Erie Marathon

Presque Isle, Erie PA

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Thanks for visiting the official Erie Marathon Website

For the most up-to-date news about the Erie Marathon, please Click Here to go to the Official Erie Marathon Facebook Page. We will be posting updated Erie Marathon information there.

For Running Training Tips, Motivation and Humor, please Click Here to follow the Erie Runners Club Official Facebook Page.

Answers to most Erie Marathon questions can be found on our FAQs page. Please Click Here prior to contacting us via email.

Mail Correspondence

Erie Marathon
C/O Erie Runners Club
1903 West 8th Street PMB 296
Erie, PA 16505

On Race Weekend - Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we will be working on site and will have limited access to the internet due to geographical challenges on the Peninsula. Due to this fact, you may or may not receive an answer in a timely fashion.

Online Contact Form

For questions not answered on our FAQs page, please use the form below. Please note that we will not respond to any email received asking for a refund, transfer, deferral or race cap override.
*Note: Please allow 48 hours for reply.

Race participants attempt to qualify for the Boston Marathon at the Erie Marathon on Presque Isle State Park near Erie, PA . Erie Marathon first time marathon participants are welcomed and encouraged on the race course along the beach road at Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA. The Erie Marathon 8:15 pacer and group of racers cross the bridge near Perry Monument on Presque Isle near Erie, PA.